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Local Eyes Optometry Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

What Causes Contact Lens Intolerance?

Sometimes wearing contact lenses is not comfortable for people, this is called contact lens intolerance. Contact lens intolerance can cause people to wear contact lenses less than they would like to, to stop wearing contact lenses, or to wear contact lenses and have irritation or pain.

Ortho-K: A Solution for Myopia Management

Myopia is a common refractive error that affects millions of people worldwide. If you're tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, Ortho-K might be the solution you've been searching for. Ortho-K, short for Orthokeratology, is a non-surgical and reversible method of myopia management.

Personalized Eye Care: Why Choose a Local Optometrist for Your Eye Care Needs

When it comes to your eye care needs, there is nothing more important than receiving personalized attention. Your eyes are unique, and they deserve individualized care from a professional who understands your specific needs. Personalized eye care goes beyond just a routine eye exam; it involves a comprehensive understanding of your eye health and tailored treatment plans. By choosing a local optometrist for your eye care needs, you can ensure that you receive the personalized attention you deserve.

When Can Iron Become Deposited in the Eyes?

The human eye is a complex structure composed of various tissues and components that work together to provide vision. However, like any other part of the body, the eye can be affected by various conditions and abnormalities...

Why Does Your Glasses Prescription Change Over Time?

If you wear glasses or contacts, you may have noticed that your prescription tends to change over time. Even with annual eye examinations, it is not uncommon for small adjustments to be made to your visual correction...

Hydroxychloroquine in Eye Care

When it comes to certain medications, such as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), monitoring and safeguarding your eye health is of utmost importance...

The True Meaning of Seeing 20/20 Vision

When discussing vision, the term “20/20” often comes up as the benchmark for ideal or perfect vision. However, the true meaning behind this term can sometimes be confusing or misconstrued...

How is Lazy Eye (Ambyopia) Treated?

Amblyopia, commonly known as “lazy eye,” is a condition characterized by reduced vision in one eye compared to the other. It is often associated with factors such as an eye turn...

How to Order Lightweight Glasses

When it comes to eyewear, lightweight glasses are highly sought after by many individuals. Whether you have a high prescription, find heavy frames uncomfortable, or prefer lightness...

Does Wearing Glasses Make Your Eye Prescription Worse?

There is a common misconception that wearing glasses can make your eyes weaker over time. This myth has led to hesitations and misunderstandings about the use of corrective eyewear...